Saturday, January 14, 2017

Hertzler Doings~Jan. 1-14, 2017

I've been writing little notes down on a calendar. So I will write little notes down on the blog.

Jan. 1-Sunday-Good service. Watched movies with Susan and Daniel. Girls Just Want to have Fun and Pirates of the Caribbean. S and D went to her work party in the eve.
2-Did wash. Made food with Susan. Vegetable soup, etc. Watched Murder She Wrote. Raining.
3-Bedroom. Desk. Raining.
4-Nathan here while Alli at appointment. Family Anointing Service at New Life. Significant time.
5-To town with Susan. Visited Judy. Went to Tractor Supply, Healthy Living-where we ordered a 'teriyaki' chicken sandwich-wow!, Food Lion, etc. Talked with Naomi.
6-Happy Valley with Jessica. Nathan here for several hours while Alli worked on his comforter. Vacuumed and washed floors. Daniel and Susan didn't go to rodeo. Snow starting. We watched Sully and some more murder mysteries.
7-Snowed all night. Susan and Daniel made food to freeze for his lunches.
 Watched Oceans 12,13. Did some wash. Philip played with Nathan and his train.

8-Home church. NL cancelled.
9-Cooked with Susan. Michael butchered deer that Philip shot him.
10-Susan worked swing shift. Phil worked on books. I cleaned appliances.
11-Went for massage in Concord. Met new friend, Trish, at Babcock House. Went to Walmart. S and D had lunch at the Health Nut in Lynchburg. Phil and I to Financial Peace class in eve.
12-Watched Susan make more kombucha and helped her make cashew cheese. Delicious. Made some garbanzo bean cheese myself later. Visited Margaret G. after taking load to the dump.
13-To Farmville. Haley's put in a headlight in new car and Janelle and Micah picked me up. We went to see 'Hidden Figures.' Excellent movie and more than that. Inspiring and Insightful. A must see. Watched Diagnosis Murder in eve with Susan and Phil.
14-Sat.-I forgot to mention that it was minus 4 several days ago and 70 not long afterwards. I cleaned the house-vacuuming, washing floors, etc. and cleaned out old Cadillac. What a mess. Went to vacuum it but the power isn't there. May have hurt the line when they put insulation under the double wide. Susan worked. Michael and Jess went to Natural Bridge for the weekend. Philip brought us duck meat and showed us the ducks he is going to have mounted. He told us lots of stories. Phil cut firewood to last for a week and fixed a frozen pipe leak. Now we are going to settle down for supper and watch a Clint Eastwood.

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