Sunday, November 13, 2016

Political Burn-Out and "Family"

For nearly a month I have read numerous political posts a day.
 I can't seem to help myself. It's like I've become a political conflict junkie.

One thing I read makes me feel justified.
Another post I read makes me feel shamed.

And in the Church realm there are those saying, "If you are a Christ follower, how could you vote for him?" Or, "She is evil. How could you vote for such wickedness?"

I have people I dearly love who are happy or grieved. I've been on an emotional political roller coaster ride and I want to get off and I don't know how.

Until now.

I just read something that I think is my exit strategy.

Brennan Manning, in his book, "The Wisdom of Tenderness" says,

'To say, "Abba, Father," in the Spirit is to say that we're children.
It's to acknowledge that other people are our brothers and sisters in the human family.

This understanding affects our lifestyle because it implies acceptance of others
and responsibility for others: we do our best to give family members whatever they need.

This familial relationship is to be taken literally for it's a thing of flesh and blood in the bond
of the Holy Spirit. True Christian community is the realization and actualization of
"Our Father, who art in heaven."

So, I think that my 'family' doesn't need me to read and empathize with every opposing news flash or viewpoint that comes along.

I think my family needs me to pray with Jesus' His ageless words,

"OUR Father,
who art in heaven.
Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give US this day, OUR daily bread.
And forgive US OUR debts as WE
forgive OUR debtors.
And lead US not into temptation,
but deliver US from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.
Such wonderful words, "OUR, US, WE."
Not, "Us" and "Them."

"THINE is the kingdom, and the power and the glory,"
reminds me of Who really has us in His care.

To be "Delivered from evil," is all of our hearts cry.
Praying this prayer is the best way I know to be 'family' in a divisive situation.

It is the best way I know how to protect the people who are being attacked on both sides.

It is the best way I know to empathize and see the big picture.

It is the best way I know how to love.

1 comment:

Pat Hertzler said...

Thanks, Annette. Well written.
You know, you made my day yesterday when you called me your "new friend". That had such a warm welcoming invite to it. I wish we were closer so we could connect. I felt a kindred spirit with you. I didn't realize you write a blog also! At least we can stay connected on fb. God bless you, my friend.