Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hertzler Doings~April 8-114, 2013

Well, this week completely got away from me. We were busy with drama practices and performances with the Homeschool Drama Group-Nicholas Nickaby. Susan was Madame M.-a dress shop proprieter. Had a nice lunch at Ju dy's with Gwen.  I saw the Body of Christ work at its best this week and experienced the blessing of being part of a caring people in two totally separate instances. Met some very special people via phone. Nice visit with Anne and Ed. They brought a few more apple trees to trade with. We sent them home with some red buds. Anne and I got stuck in the truck at O'Briens. Had to walk out the lane and our rescuing husbands and Ron were just driving by. Killdeers eggs have all hatched safely. We have several families down low on our land. PFrank and Lisa and Lindsay at church this morning. Had a family meeting this afternoon and shared prayer needs and good thoughts. Bluebells bloomed at the river. Went to Tom's for ice cream.
Love blueberries. Last week I loved apple seeds. Got an appleseed video sent our way. Someday soon, I can share why I love them so much. Hopefully next week, I'll keep up with my blog better.

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