Mon.-(writing this on April 4th)-Vernie had Jonathan until late afternoon. Susan still has low fever. Weak. I did some wash and tidied up the house and rested until he got home. Cindy stopped in after he was home. He was so excited to see her. When she left he said, "No. Don't go." It snowed most of the day. Got a good 4-6 inches. Kept snowing even as it was melting. Jonathan looked out the window at the window seat and said, "Lucy's footprints!" He also said, "Daddy!" I looked out to see what he saw. Grandpa was loading the outdoor furnace with fire wood. I wrapped him up in a blanket and we went out to say howdy to Grandpa. Vernie said that Jonathan drank and drank. I had a hard time getting him to eat or drink anything because he wasn't feeling well. He looked really good when she brought him back. She said that he rolled on the floor, happily singing, "Mommy...Daddy." Debra came over and worked on reupholstering Karen's chair. Mom came over and visited too. Later in the eve., Mom, Dad, and Bradley came over to visit. Jonathan was so tired. He just laid on my lap and snuggled with me. I thought he'd go to sleep right away but every time I thought he was asleep and tried to lay him down, he wanted me to rock him some more. I decided to give him what he wanted because it was what he needed and what I wanted too. Brad stayed and watched a movie with Susan. A few days later, he was sick too. ///Thankful.
Tues.-Lindsay, Adi, and Emma arrived around noon. A happy day of playing, talking, little boy adjusting to sharing all of his toys, little girls adjusting to having to share Aunt Annette with Little Boy. Visited Mom and Debra in afternoon. Lindsay, Susan, little girls, and I found some more great buys at Debra's 'jewelry' store set up in their music room. Banton Ladies slept on make shift beds in the living room. So great to have them here. Thankful.
Wed.-Mom kept Jonathan and we girls went to visit The Reuzit Shop and B'B's. 'That was an experience' said Lindsay of BB's. That's exactly what I had wanted to hear. Another great day with the Banton Ladies. Joe and Karen got home around 11. Jonathan started to cry around 4. Karen was awake and went into him. "Mommy!" he cried, and went right back to sleep in her arms. I got to see the reunion through the door. Thankful.
Thurs.-Took Lindsay and girls up to the New Holland area. Susan found her quilt top at Cedarlane Dry Goods. All black and white prints. Log cabin. Beautiful. Called grandpa and he said we had better get it. Mom makes all the grand-daughters quilts for their graduation gifts. She will start on Susan's before long. Also stopped at Yoder's Restaurant for lunch. Buffet. Lindsay took a picture of her lunch and sent it to Gil to make him jealous. Visited the grocery store and also went to Good's where we got Susan a softball glove. Got back to Joe's around 2 and Lindsay had to leave. Jonathan was sad when he woke up to find the girls gone. I think he fell in love with Adi. Took Susan to Shady Maple Restaurant in the eve. to meet Travis and Corinne. I met Naomi at Squire side for supper. We went to Yoder's afterwards and were shrieking with laughter in the parking lot. Anita W. heard us and came over. She had recognized our laughs. Uh-oh. Philip and Michael arrived around 11 at night. Thankful for their safe arrival here and for Lindsays safe arrival at her home. Thankful for the classy quilt Susan will have someday.
Fri.-Met Phil, Alli, Freeman, and many other Hertzler's at Sight and Sound to see 'Noah' around 12:30. Mom and Dad gave us all tickets for Christmas this year. It was an excellent show. I held Jonathan for part of the time. Then he wanted 'daddy' then he wanted me again. When she didn't pass him back, he got fussy, but he had lasted quite awhile. Gathered at Mom and Dad's for our Easter supper of chicken corn noodles soup and bread and salad and other great things to eat.
Sat.-All of us visited friends and family today. Picked up 50 trees from Weaver's Orchard. Philip fished with Ryan P. in the morn and then Michael joined them for lunch at a local restaurant. Michael had gone to Shady Maple with Logan for breakfast. Took Jonathan over to the farm to play with Abby and Serena. Later, Michelle and I took him for a walk in his stroller. He was tired and ready to go down for his nap by noon. In the eve, we went to my sister Rosalee's place. Jim and the girls and Stew were there and Abie and Karen and Abby were there also. We think it was the best time ever. The kids ate and played in the basement-mafia something or other and Katrina recorded Freeman talking in different voices. They were shrieking with laughter the whole time. The six grown-ups over 50 enjoyed talking around the table. We had all kinds of lunch meat, cheeses, sandwich makings, tortilla chips and dip, soup, dessert, etc. for supper. It really was a lovely time. It was just about a year ago that we moved Mother to assisted living. She was there for about 3 weeks until she moved for the last time. It seems so long ago.
Sun.-Went to the Easter sunrise service at Pine Grove Cemetery. Watched the sun come up over Johnny's grave. We were invited by Ryan who goes to Conestoga Mennonite. I had my Easter moment when the man talking said how he was watching 'The Passion' and as they were beating Jesus, all he could think was, "This is the man I love. This is the man I love." I wanted to lay on the ground and sob. And then, Phil and I went to Johnny's grave. We were both crying. I said, "He isn't here." And he said, "He is the first of many who will come. Here, and Thailand. Many will follow after him (because of him). " We came back for breakfast at Joe and Karen's and had an egg quiche and Karen's famous coffee cake. Logan came over to say good bye and shortly after him, came his three brothers, then his mother and father. We had a good time with family all around. Had to cry when I said good bye to Jonathan. He thought he was coming with me. He was in his daddy's arms in the front yard, pointing his little scolding finger at me, saying, "No good bye. No good bye." Something like that anyway. Phil shared a number of things with Jonathan this weekend. His snickers at Sight and Sound and his cider, which he had Jonathan drinking from a quart jug.
We left for home around 9 and got home around 4. It rained hard for awhile. We had a lot to put away. Saving the suitcases for tomorrow. The Lord is risen! He is risen indeed!
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