Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Steadfast Love of My Dad Never Ceases

When Freeman was not quite one year old
I wrote a song for Phil for Father's Day.
I put words to the music "The Steadfast Love of the Lord Never Ceases."
I think it was Dean Landis who accompanied me on the guitar.
I held Freeman and stood in front of New Life
 -a Downingtown, Pa. outreach of Hopewell Mennonite Church.
  And I started to sing.

Freeman was sensitive to minor chords and his lips began to quiver as I began to sing.
Soon he began to wail sadly and the congregation couldn't help but laugh as they were crying.
I think Phil came and rescued Freeman but I am not sure.

This Father's Day evening our whole family has been together.
We had a special meal of chicken thighs wrapped in bacon that Susan made,
green beans, salad, watermelon, and ice cream.
We shared things with Phil that we appreciated about him.

Susan, Philip, and Michael played some card games.
I held Nathaniel almost to my heart's content.
There's been lots of guitar playing and practicing songs for the pig roast.

Since Nathaniel was born, the little songs I wrote for Freeman have been coming back to me.
I remembered the words to the song 'Freeman' sang to his dad for Father's Day.
And today, Phil played the guitar, and I sang these words to Freeman.
He smiled instead of cried this time around.

The Steadfast love of my dad never ceases,
He prays for me from the morning till night.
And he loves my mommy,
Loves to kiss her
Makes me laugh to see them hug.
I run and hug them too.

My dad's so strong he can lift me with one arm
He holds me way high up in the sky
And he crawls on the floor and pretends he's a doggy
Barking after me so loud
But I'm too fast for him.

Sometimes my daddy rocks me to sleep
When I've been sick or mommy's too tired.
He sings in the Spirit and I start feeling better
Nestled close up in his love
I feel close to Jesus, too.

I love you, Daddy, you know that I love you.
I'm so glad God made you my Dad.
What more can I say than I love you Daddy.
My heart can only sing one song
I love you, from Freeman Ray.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

What a great song!