Mon.-Went on a spontaneous shopping trip to Lynchburg with Susan. Made out like a bandit and had no buyer's remorse. Hit up the Goodwills, the mall, Yeti Yogurt, Ross's, and Old Navy. Got home after 8. Started a load of Goodwill wash and called it a day.
Tues.-Did lots of wash. Susan worked. I made 7 quarts of salsa. Michael studied down at the river. The guys worked next door. Phil worked on the books all morning at the dining room table. Nathan came in the eve. so his mom and dad could have a quiet dinner. Phil picked me up while we were walking around outside. He, Nathan, was being a little fussy. So, we went on a gator ride around the corn fields and he went right to sleep. He was wearing a large Cabela's camouflage bib and a Pamper. He was so happy to see his daddy when he came.I didn't see him yesterday and he looks different already. And, he wants to stand. Precious little hobbit. Steve Majeski's church in Africa was threated by fire. Oscar's home burned to the ground and a 7 year old in the congregation died. Such a tragedy. God help them and God help us help them.
Wed.-I can't even remember what I did today. I cleaned the fridge out, one segment at a time. Had a nap with Nathan for 1 1/2 hours in between fridge shelve cleaning. Drove around in my gator down around the river and the corn fields for awhile. Studied and exercised this morning. Susan did some incredible baking, mowed HV, and went out to the gym. Michael did some school and hung out around here. Philip and the guys worked in Richmond and got home early. He went to youth tonight. NL asked if they could use some of my blog writings for their website. That's exciting. Also working on corn orders. It's coming in and is so delicious.
Thurs.-Had a nice storm this morning. Got to study for several hours again. I am going through Matthew and writing down most of it and observing Jesus' ways, His words, and how they might apply to me. He is the healthiest person I know and I am checking out how He handled life. He's magnificent and humble, courageous and calm. And He was not afraid of man. He never succumbed to peer pressure. He spoke the truth and then let it be. He was always in control but never controlling. He got angry and didn't feel bad about it. He not only seeks and saves the lost but He seeks and saves that which we've lost. Lost dreams, hopes, childhoods, peace, joy. He restores us to the flock and to Himself. He is all goodness but never soft. He is tender but strong. I think about Him all the time. He was dependent on God His Father and didn't entrust Himself to man. But He loved man. He encouraged Peter and then He rebuked Peter and His love for Peter never changed. And He, this magnificent person. This Son of God. Left us His Spirit. And His Spirit is in me. And it is all of the above and more. He is my health for my body, soul, and spirit. I breathe Him in. He breathes me in. And we are in each other. I love Him.
Didn't know I was going to write all that but maybe it's time. Made some sauce today. Also did some paper work, read down at the river, raced back home in time to escape the storm, enjoyed the storm, watched a movie, made that special rice and chicken with salsa, pineapple and apricot jam that everyone likes, listened to a recorded song that Michael just wrote, enjoyed Philip and Susan's antics, asked Phil to get the eggs because black snakes make me nervous, and read a book in the tub before going to bed. But I do that every night. No wonder my neck is stiff. Didn't see Nathan today but Alli spent the day with her family in Lynchburg and I got to see pictures of Noni holding him and I loved that he was being loved by her. If I feel this way about him, how must God feel about us? He just wants to love us and He just wants us loved. He knows that we'll love Him because He first loved us.
Fri.-Cooked some food for the weekend, spent some time at the river working on my tan, reading a book, getting my feet wet. The corn for tomorrow's order was picked tonight as was the corn we'll do as a family. Nick, a friend of Michaels,was here to help. Susan got some black streaks in her hair and looks pretty cute. Philip played Rook with Cynthia, Jason, and Kelsey M. Kelsey and him won! Nathan was here this eve while his mama took his daddy out on date to Hibachi. I fell asleep with Nathan in our bed and he was giggling happy dreams. Such a wonderful gift from heaven to hear and see. Was he dreaming about angels tossing him gently back and forth?
Sat.-Sweet corn processing day. Freeman set up turkey fryer pot outside and filled it with water. Had several Rubbermaid containers chilling down the corn. Brought it in and then we'd chill it with ice in here. Were finished up by noon. 51 packs of Incredible. Nick, Michael's friend, helped.Alli and Nathan were helping out too. Nathan took a nap on the recliner. First his Uncle Philip put him to sleep and he slept a little while back on our bed. But he did better when he was with the loud family and loud music. Nick and Michael then went floating on the river. Philip excavated. Phil farmed. Susan worked out. I cleaned the house and did wash. Then, I went to Judy's for Sammy Jo's birthday party and then to Belk where I found some buys. But first I went to Goodwill and got suitcases. These will definitely stand out in the conveyor belt. Pale orange and very used but also very sturdy. No one will steal them. Susan cleaned her room, packed for KY, and mowed the lawn. Philip went to the Benson's overnight for a fishing party. Michael went to a Christmas in July party. Susan helped Phil pick several hundred ears of corn to deliver to folks at church tomorrow. I did more wash, ate corn, folded wash, etc. Busy day but wonderful. Woke up this morning making a list about what Jesus was/is like. I wish I had written it down. Tonight, I'll sleep with a paper and pen by my bed. XO
Sun.-We took a lot of corn to church to fill orders. It's nice to save people gas and time. Came home and rested after church. Nathan came and took a nap with me while mommy and daddy went fishing. The others watched a movie while Phil and I slept. Susan got ready for her trip to KY by cutting up lots of fruit.
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