Friday, May 20, 2016

Hertzler Doings~May 16-22, 2016

Internet issues. Finally have some Friday, the 20th.

This weeks highlights:
Went to Short Pump with some fun ladies I know from New Life. Had a wonderful supper at Longhorn Steak House. Great conversation.
Saw Nathan and Alli more since Freeman is sleeping during the day.
Every time I am with him, nothing else matters. He's learning to play piano all on his own and knows how to operate my phone to find the video of himself that he likes. He'll be 2 soon.
Susan got to go to the shore with Claire's family for several days.
Davi got lost but our neighbor found her after 20 hours of lostness.
Rosalee's son, Abie, has been in heaven for 7 years-May 20.
Sat., I may go to Lavender Farms to hear friend Jeanne speak on gardening and then to Michelle Meadows wedding in the afternoon. Brother David's 53rd birthday is Saturday too.

Not sure if I'll have internet again for awhile so that's my quick catch up. It's been raining a lot and today is happier so maybe that's why I have internet.

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