This was the title of a letter to the editor of a local paper in our area.
It was written by a friend of mine, Kathy Tran.
I use it here with her permission.
'Editor, The Herald:
I write in response to the letter written by MF last Friday, Feb. 8. There is a lot of confusion on the subjects of abortion and gun rights. I am certain she is not the only person who does not understand why a reasonable person would be against abortion but for (pro) guns. First, she may see contradictions because she is not in possession of all of the facts. She says that there are elected officials "who are adamantly opposed to any reasonable gun regulations." I would challenge her to name one. A little research will find that pro-Second Amendment representatives do not want criminals or persons with mental illness to have guns. Background checks and registering guns are laws which are already on the books. Why make more laws if we do not enforce the laws we already have? Now that is confusing. Second, she may not know about the tendency of bad guys to think twice when they may wonder if the person they plan to attack can defend themselves with deadly force. Please, MF, and other confused citizens, go to and look up the many stories of people who have protected themselves and their families, sometimes needing to fire a gun and other times, just the sight of an unloaded gun causes the criminal to wet his pants and run for his life. Also, look up the stories of people who lost loved ones because they did not have their gun.
The other contradiction she expressed concern about was regarding the subject of abortion. This confusion is easily cleared up with one word--innocence. Babies growing in their mother's womb are a vulnerable and innocent people needing protection. Even Planned Parenthood recognizes the trauma to mothers who have aborted their babies by offering post-traumatic syndrome counseling. Forty years after Roe v. Wade, pro-life activists marched on Washington, D.C. "in the tens or even hundreds of thousands" (as reported in the article by Ross Douthat in the February 8 Farmville Herald) because 75 percent of Americans understand that abortion is morally wrong. And one last example to clear up any confusion, when ObamaCare was passed, the last nasty deal made was on the issue of abortion. A pro-life Democrat wasn't going to vote for a bill that would include abortion; alas, I believe he was suckered.
Protecting innocent human life is the top priority of government at all levels. "We hold these truths to be, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Isn't And if that doesn't convince you, Dr. Seuss, through his character Horton says- "A person is a person, no matter how small."'
Kathy Tran
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