Friday, March 1, 2013

Prayer for America

Our church recently participated in a 21 day fast.

During a celebration service on Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013,
my friend, Betty Gibbs, read a prayer she wrote for our nation.

I asked if I could write it here for others to read and pray.


Sovereign Lord of this Nation,

Nearly 250 years ago, you empowered our nation's founders with the vision, faith, and courage to
create a form of government based on your laws.  They knew that what makes men good Christians
makes them good citizens.  But we have fallen far from their vision.  Today we have leaders who
want to separate faith from public life.  We have forsaken virtue in favor of pride, greed, and
 unrighteousness of every kind.  In just this past week, we peacefully celebrated the inauguration of our President for a second term, and in the same week, we marked 40 years of the legalized murder of innocent, unborn babies.  Please forgive us, Lord.  Show us how to become bold in our conviction that all life is sacred because You are its only source.  Thank you for those who have fought for the protection of the unborn over these 40 years.  Bless and strengthen them.  And show us how to defend liberty.

You have called us to be your ambassadors outside the church walls--to influence public policy with your standards.  Give us insight and courage to do that.  Help us be quick to acknowledge your favor and glad to do your will.  And while it's true our nation is suffering from poor choices and disobeying You, we take comfort in knowing that even in the midst of national judgment, You are able to keep your own.  You are still able to deliver us from evil.  Thank you, Lord, that You are mindful of us and hear our prayers.

Thank you for those who have fought and sacrificed for the prosperity and freedom we enjoy today.  As citizens of earth, give us wisdom, discernment, and understanding.  As  citizens of heaven, give us clean hands, pure hearts, and compassion for the hurting and lost.  Forgive us for expecting our government to do what You have commanded your church to do.  Help us to be mindful of the legacy we will leave  future generations and let it not be one of debt and corruption.

Make us like the men of the tribe of Issachar--who understand the times and knew what to do.  Thank you for Your undeserved blessings on this nation, forgive us for wandering from your standard of righteous and truth.  Raise up leaders who are filled with your Spirit and are uncompromising in their desire to honor You in all they do--men and women of integrity.  We need your wisdom and strength to manage the resources you have entrusted to us.  And we humbly beg you to pour out your Holy Spirit on your people and this nation.  Thank you for richly blessing us and the United States of America.

You deserve all the glory, honor, and praise. Amen.

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