My friend, Jeanne, e-mailed me some comments on my blog 'Worship With Request.' I asked her if I could print them. I liked hearing about how her Catholic church and faith practices Adoration. This is what she shared.
On the first Friday of every month, they put the host (Jesus) out in the church for what is called Eucharist Adoration. They volunteer to spend an hour just sitting 'at His feet' in the church...adoring. That's it. Pray, bless, meditate, adore. She is hoping to take her turn today. She says it is the most refreshing thing to do, like a mini vacation, just to sit in church in absolute silence and peace and adore the Lord. She had to chuckle a little at my post. "It is hard," she says, "to quiet down enough to just adore sometimes and not let your cares and worries fill your prayer time...but it's Okay to do that too."
I think that in the process of adoring, our desires become one with His.
Then, when we do petition Him, our requests have taken on His very likeness.
We pray for things as He would pray for them.
One of these warmer days,
I am going to walk down to my cottage,
and spend an hour in my 'church'
just adoring Him.
I have a friend,
who sometimes sets her alarm
to go off every minute.
Each time the alarm goes off,
she brings her thoughts back to Jesus.
I wonder how hard it will be
to adore Him for an hour.
I may need some type of inner alarm system
to help me bring my thoughts back to Him.
I have a feeling that the more I do adore Him,
the easier it will be to adore Him.
I will find myself adoring Him
when I least expect it.
How long does it take to form a habit?
Perhaps the habit of adoring Christ for Himself alone
is a habit worthy of pursuit.
And even now,
as I envision the investment of sitting at His feet,
I feel His hand on my face
and hear His gentle voice asking me,
"What do you want me to do for you?"
From my heart comes, "I want you to heal Lawrence and my mother and breathe in them the breath of life. I want you to comfort my sister's heart. I want you to build safety nets at church so all those I love, would be kept safe should they fall. I want you to use my son Freeman, to bring your word to school kids in Ireland. I want my children to love you with all their hearts. I want to be taught your word. I want the deep things of God. I want to simplify my life so I can love you better. ..."
I look at my requests.
They are His desires too.
And I adore Him even more.
You are welcome to come with me in April...the first Friday in the afternoon. We don't even have to stay an hour. Just come and sit with us in the church. :)
I'd very much like to do that. Would you remind me closer to the time? Thanks.
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