Mon.-Susan stayed home from school and slept until after 10:30. She worked on her room off and on and slept again most of the afternoon. Freeman and Alli made Philip a mixed berry cobbler and he shared it with all of us. It was delicious. I did some reading, some wash, some blogging and cleaning, and exercise. Phil, Philip, and Freeman are working on the new shed. Philip sent some more cattle to the market and he and Phil went to the auction to see how they sell. Michael said today, "I just wish Jesus were here so I could sit down and talk with Him. I need His wisdom so much." I had to go cry and pray that Jesus would come sit down and talk with Him here instead of taking Michael up to Him for the talk. ///I am thankful for my husband and the way our children look up to him and how thankful they are for his example. Michael was remembering things his dad told him years ago and the direction he's been given through those words. I am thankful for friends who call just when I need them. I am thankful for the humor of God and the way He displays it through a motley group of hens, a rooster, and a duck who is definitely in the midst of an identity crisis. I am thankful for the pigs and the new repertoire of noises, facial expressions, and movements that the boys have acquired since welcoming them to our farm. They give little demonstrations of the pigs behavior. The pigs entertain them and they in turn, entertain us by reliving their entertainment. You have to see it to believe it.
Tues.-Busy, busy school day. I love when I have time to sit in chapel and hear the scriptures and prayers read. We're getting ready for Recitatio and the pressure is on in music class. Susan was in school but wasn't feeling really well. She stuck out the day in part because Graham begged her, "Please don't leave me." She felt sorry for him. (They are just good friends.) I walked in the morning with Tina and someone should have told me ahead of time that she was an athletic director for 12 years. She had me jogging and everything! Ran out for groceries during my one free period and really felt behind the whole day. Made quesadilla's for supper with my new little machine and every one is thrilled with the results. Jordan and Michael were down by the river and came up when it was dark. Philip went to the Financial Peace class. Susan is working hard to catch up on missed school work. Phil gathered plenty of eggs this eve. and is out working with the cows in the dark.///I am thankful that I have my own personal trainer with no cost-financially, that is. I am thankful God answered Michael's Monday prayer today. I am thankful for the chorus of the old hymn 'Stranger of Galilee'-"And I felt I could love Him for ever, So gracious and tender was He! I claimed Him that day as my Savior, This stranger of Galilee." I'm sure Judy will remember that song.
Wed.-taught younger classes in music. I changed some of the words to 'Yankee Doodle' and 'Billy Boy' and they laughed loudly and shouted out the right words. "Can she bake a shoofly pie...CHERRY PIE!.." etc. I made a dinosaur with play dough as we listened to music in K/1. I showed it to the little girl who loves dinosaurs, saying, "It's not a very good dinosaur." She looked at it and said, "That's exactly what it looks like." And I felt good all day. Again, I learn from the little ones the right way to talk and be. Listened to 4-H speeches in chapel and was inspired to begin running, raise chickens, accept cats into our menagerie of animals, etc. The kids did so well. Not feeling great. Fighting something. Kids are sick at school. Met with two friends separately in the eve.before and after church.///Thankful for the two young ladies who help me teach music to the younger children. Thankful that the truth really does set people free. Thankful that those with keys to unlock doors show up at the right time. Thankful for the funny woman who sat beside me during the 4-H speeches and had me 'rolling' in my seat.
Thurs.-Kids dropping like flies with flu/fever symptoms. Turned the waterfall art projects into kites and hung them in the hallway. Hung the 2nd grade batiks on the windows for the light to shine through. Not feeling well. Achey and hot. Took homeopathic flu meds. Took temp when I got home and had a fever. Went to bed at 5 and slept til 6 the next morning.///Thankful for freedom to sleep when I needed to. Thankful that Susan took care of things. Thankful for a warm house. Thinking about marathons and sprints in the spiritual sense of thing. We need to be prepared for both these days. If we are prepared to run a marathon, we will be in shape for the sprint. But if we are only prepared for the sprint, we will not be in shape for the marathon. We need to eat good healthy food to run any kind of marathon. We cannot live on the promise of an eventual feast or something good that will happen someday. We must eat living manna every day, dig our wells deep, and meditate on and memorize the scriptures so we have calories to last the long haul. God give us help and grace to know how to 'eat' His words. 'Your words were found and I did eat them, and they were to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart, for I am called by thy name O Lord.' (Jeremiah)
Fri.-Went into school and found out Japan had a 8.9 earthquake. Tsunami hit and hundreds are dead. We're wondering if friends in flight towards Japan had change of plans. Don't know anything else. Praying and hoping for the best. Cleaned out 'dead' fridge and Philip brought in his little one and I used a cooler and outside fridge as well. Cleaned back porch too. Angel's box is back there now and hopefully, she will successfully have her first real litter of puppies soon. Susan went to bed by 7. Phil put in new toilet in her bathroom. Preparing for her party for weekend. Found out I planned Banton birthday party while I was on dentist drugs and that's why I couldn't remember any of the plans. Thankful that I am not going crazy afterall. Thankful for forgiveness and redemption. Thankful that Philip has a party to go to tonight.
Sat.-Picked up girls for Susan's birthday sleepover. Kelly at Noah's. Kelli at Streams. Cassidy at Church. Sara at Walmart. I could tell where the girls were at Walmart no matter where I was. I peeked my head around to check on them to make sure that Security was not closing in around them. They got their traditional junk food/drinks and we came home and baked the pizza. They have been hanging out and taking walks. Philip brought a forlorn little calf to the house. His mommy doesn't seem too interested in him and he's only a day old. He rather liked me and after following me around for awhile, settled himself at my feet to rest. Philip tried again to get his mama to care for him. We are hoping that I didn't smell too good or perfumey when I was petting him. Cows aren't as picky as birds or rabbits in that matter but we still need to be careful. (Discovered he was a twin. His mommy is doing better with him now.) Michael got home around 5:40 and went to his room to change. The girls hustled over to show him some pictures and I caught them just in time and told them he's changing clothes. They screamed and cried, "Retreat! Retreat!" and scampered stocking footed over damp mud back to their safe room in the old house. Sarah's mother picked her up before dark and then the girls built a fire down at the river and roasted hot dogs and s'mores. Susan drove the gator down so they didn't have to dodge cow pies in the dark. They slept over in the fixed up room in the old house.///I am thankful that Phil walked down to the river in the dark after 9:30 to check on the girls since I was worried about them. He ate a hot dog and started walking back up. Angel had been with them the whole time they were there but started walking back up with Phil. She stopped on the pathway and sniffed around, took a look at him, and went back to the girls. I wonder what she smelled. I am thankful for Angel and her desire to take care of the most vulnerable among us selflessly. I am thankful for the shrieks of laughter I've heard for hours today.
Sunday-Got to SS a little late today, but that's not so bad seeing that time sprang forward this morning and we had 3 extra girls that needed to get ready. Michael made them a big breakfast of bacon, sausage, potatoes, and eggs. We're enjoying our marriage class. Stephanie T. led worship and Pastor Alvin L. preached. Good good good. Sermon was taken from Joshua 5:15-15~Josh. 6:1-5. Joshua had been called to lead the Children of Israel into the Promised Land. He had a busy week prior to a specific event which became his own personal 'Do What?!' Moment. Joshua had a private encounter with a Man who stood opposite him with His sword drawn. Joshua went to him and asked,"Are you for us or for our enemies?" The Man replied,"No, but as Commander of the army of the LORD I have now come." Joshua switched his perspective, fell on his face and worshiped, and changed his question, "What does my Lord say to His servant?" Then the Commander of the Lord's army said to Joshua, "Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy." And Joshua did so. Then the LORD (The Commander of the Lord's army) told him to march the Children of Israel-priests, ark of the covenant, singers, etc. around the city of Jericho one time for six days in a row....on the seventh day, march around it 7 times, and then blow the trumpet and shout and the walls will fall down flat, and then go in and take the city. (Joshua would be a great book to read in one sitting.)
PA's points-God wants to do something great through you but He can't until He does something great in you.
1-The Who? God wants to reveal Jesus to you. Joshua encountered Jesus but didn't recognize Him. (He wouldn't have known Him as Jesus because Christ wasn't revealed as Jesus at that point in time. He did however, recognize Him as 'Lord.' The name 'Joshua' means "Yahweh is Salvation" in Hebrew. The name 'Jesus' means "Yahweh is Salvation" in Greek. Joshua was a type or symbol of Christ in the Old Testament. Joshua led the Children of Israel into the Promised Land to possess their inheritance, just as Jesus leads His children to possess eternal life with Him.) How often do we stand in front of Jesus and not recognize Him? We don't recognize Him with that fearless expression and that sword in His hand. He is on His own side. And we want to be on His. Too often we are too busy to recognize Him. We also need to help people to stop seeing us and to start seeing Jesus.
2-The What? God wants to tell you what to do. Joshua was closest to one of the greatest breakthroughs in his life. The 'taking of Jericho' had never happened to him before. Have you ever been near one of the greatest breakthroughs of your life and you didn't know what to do? Recognize who He is, fall on your face and worship Him, and ask the question, "What do you want me to do? What do you have to say to me?" Most likely, the answer will require great obedience and great trust. If we are not willing to obey Him, then we are also not willing to trust Him. (Sometimes our biggest breakthrough looks more like our biggest obstacle. We need a promise and a plan and sometimes an attitude adjustment in between those two p's in order to change our perspective from 'obstacle' to 'breakthrough.')
3-The How? In order for us to recognize who God is and hear His Words to us, we must spend time alone with Him. He is a truth teller. He will tell us the truth. Our part is to submit to Him. What did He say to Joshua? "Take off your sandals, for the place where you stand is holy ground." Joshua was a busy man. We are busy people. But He tells us to take off our shoes and slow down. God wanted His holiness to touch one of the dirtiest parts of Joshua's body. The soles of his sandals were the only thing separating him from God's holiness. God wants His holiness to touch the dirtiest parts of our lives. We must submit to Him in order for this to happen.
It was only after Joshua's obedience that God shared with him His strategy for conquering Jericho.
What is it in your life that God is asking you to submit to Him? What area does He want to connect with His holiness? Recognize Jesus. Worship Him. Surrender to Him. Stop. Take off your shoes. Submit. And be strong and of good courage and carry out His plan.
(I think it is interesting that earlier, (Josh 1:3) God promised Joshua that every place his foot shall rest would be given to him. It was just a short while later that God told him to take off his sandals. Could it be that it was in the surrender of everything to God, including the promised ownership of the land, that the promised ownership was made a reality?
Also, Joshua could have gone ahead in the natural and taken the land that was promised to him. But instead, God met with him, and through that encounter, Joshua's strategy for taking the promised land was most likely changed from a natural war strategy in which he would have received the glory to a supernatural strategy, in which God alone would receive the glory. Sometimes, God gives us a promise. It is natural to go ahead and take 'what is ours' without first acknowledging His Lordship and getting a strategy for receiving what is Promised from His hand and not our own labors. But no longer can we conduct 'business as usual' when there is in front of us a Jericho whose walls need to come down.)
The boys went to Calvary Chapel today to visit some old buddies. I haven't seen them since this morning. Susan has been sleeping all afternoon. Janelle and Micah came and he sat on my lap right away and rocked and rocked. He's getting so long. He is loving school now. "He loves it and he hates it." Sounds pretty normal to me. They brought Buddy. We're watching him while Janelle is studying one last week at EMU. Micah is staying at Tom's for the week. Phil had him watch one episode of the Three Stooges with him. Phil and I watched an old Pink Panther movie and read while we kept the front door open. It's so beautiful outside. I was relieved to get an email from some friends who were flying to Tokyo when the earthquake hit. They were able to land there and had a 2 hour delay and are now in Singapore which was their destination. She said that everyone was very somber over there and that it is a very sad situation. We keep praying for them. PR shared this morning about how Apostle Paul prayed for more boldness and didn't worry about the safety of his life. I was thinking about that with our friends. We want them to be safe and God wants them to be over there to be strength, peace, hope, and light, in a desperate situation. Sometimes, just who we are, brings a stabilizing to a land. If we could only see how God sees. His ways are so much higher than ours. Went to church in the evening. I liked the points about the reasons to have solitude. Solitude gives us time to reflect, create, pray, study, and plan.///I am thankful for the words I heard sung this morning which were the same words I heard in the time of quiet which I find too sacred to print. I am thankful for the women of our church and the way I feel about them. I am thankful for the amazing turn-about of events that occurred for me on face book this week and that God is my most Blessed Redeemer. Thank you, Thank you God.
1 comment:
This post makes me smile. For so many, many reasons.
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