Saturday, March 5, 2011

Traffic Lights and Dollar Bills

Many years ago I was told that the way bank tellers can tell if a bill is counterfeit is to handle only real bills. That way, they can feel the difference in the texture as soon as they come across it. These days they use some sort of marker to check some sort of water mark on the larger bills. But I like the concept. If we want to be aware of falseness, we should handle truth. That way, we'll recognize a false 'bill' when we come across it.

I think I have been on a quest for truth for quite some time. I read and study the Bible. I think it is the real bill. I also read a mixture of other books and search for truth in the words I read. I also search and sift for truth in the things I hear. It's a process. I'll never be perfect at it. I think everyone is in the process of trying to find the truth.

I don't think any of us have a full handle on the truth. We, as humans, "hear" some parts of the Bible "louder" than other parts. That is probably why we have so many denominations representing different doctrines and that is probably why we have divisions in the midst of a denomination. Some issues are more important to us than other issues and we focus on those values and teach them and others do the same with a different set of truths.

So, I've been researching some things and I've come up with my own list of 'Be wary's." Our pastor has been saying to us, "Don't take my word for it, search the Scriptures for yourself." I am often in the process of doing just that and I say the same words to you as you read my list, "Don't take my word for it; search the Scriptures for yourself."

Be Wary:

~Be wary of any ministry that does not have at its
foundation the finished work of the cross of Christ.

~Be wary of any ministry that must have a large glossary
on its website to define it's terms not found in the Bible.

~Be careful when the emphasis of any belief system
has more to do about us and the works we can do for God
and less to do with God and the work He
has accomplished
in and through Christ Jesus.

~Be wary of any book or ministry that is built on
'God's revelation' to that particular author,
especially if it is not a teaching found in the New Testament.

Guard your flock.
Guard your children.
Reread the book of Romans.
Reread the book of Romans.

Be wary when people use blame, shame,
or the name of Jesus
to try to control the responses of God's people.

Most of all,
handle the Words of Life.

Read the Gospels.
Handle Jesus.
Touch Him. Taste Him. Know Him.
Read and study the epistles.

When you hear something that you are not sure about,
look into it; google and read
the positive and negative reviews. If it is true,
it will stand up to inspection. And remember,
there will be naysayers about every ministry.

Don't jump on any pro/con ship quickly.
Always bring everything back to the Word.

If you are not sure if something is true or false,
embrace the truth you do know.

Do not trust
every book just because the author
spoke truth in a book he wrote earlier.

If you are a teacher of the Word,
don't get defensive if someone
is not sure about what you are teaching.
Don't think that they don't love you
if they think differently than you.
Be thankful that you do not have
a bunch of puppets in your midst.

Pray for someone if you think they
are headed in the wrong direction
and trust that they'll pray for you.

Soon after I graduated from high school,
a man of God who had been teaching
a spiritual concept as doctrine,
repented of this teaching,
and said that he had promoted
false teaching.
He asked for forgiveness,
and I think that the Christian Church
extended it to him.

Not long ago, I watched a documentary
about his life. He served God faithfully
to the end and I wept over his faithfulness.
If you would say his name to me,
I wouldn't think about the false teaching
that he promoted.
I would think about his humility and his love
for Christ and the Church.
That is what I remember about that prince
of a man.

And so I trust that if I get off-center with my belief system
God will be a shepherd to me,
and through as many avenues needed
bring me back to the truth of His Word.

I believe that if I am not sure about a newly
revealed revelation,
that I am required by God
to search out the truth.

If I am going to embrace a new revelation
about God, then I must know that its
roots are grounded in the established
revelation of Jesus Christ founded on His Word.

To embrace the new revelation without this
assurance makes me a hypocrite,
a keeper of peace at any cost,
and I do not worship Him in spirit
and in truth, nor do I love my brother.

How can I walk a plankway
of 'faith' into the unknown when I am
still searching to find the floor
on which the plankway must be mounted?

How can I jump when others are watching me
to follow my example
unless I am very, very certain
that no harm will come to them?

Paul says in Gal.1:8,"Even if we, or an angel
from heaven, preach any other gospel to you
than what we have preached to you, let him be
accursed." And then he said the same thing again.

My Bible notes say,"Paul's zeal for the gospel is such
that he desires God's judgment to fall upon
himself if he should ever distort it.
His pronouncement of judgment is not a harsh,
personal reaction towards rival teachers.
Rather, he is speaking with apostolic authority,
realizing that the glory of the redemptive
work of Christ and the destiny of souls
is at stake."


Traffic Lights~

Red lights.
Yellow lights.
Green lights.

If you see a red light, stop.
If you see a yellow light,
proceed with caution
or slow down.

And if you see a green light,
go ahead.

I tend to brake in the natural
when I see a yellow light.
Others zoom full speed ahead
in order to beat it.

The gospel of Jesus Christ
and His words to the church
are a green light. Go for it.
But be careful with the yellow lights
that appear when you hear
a different sounding gospel.

Sometimes it is better if you wait
until the light turns green again.

Wait until you've compared the
new revelation with the gospel
that exists. It doesn't mean that you
won't push the gas pedal and eventually go forward.
It just means you are going to wait until
you are more sure.

You're going to wait for the
green light.

Any lover of truth
will have patience while you investigate.

And if the light looks red to you,
don't allow anyone to pressure
you into running its light.

There are cameras hooked up
at the crossings these days
and you'll get caught for sure.

And back to the money, honey.
You can only purchase goods with real money.
If you get stuck with a counterfeit bill,
you cannot use it and the loss is yours.


I share this concern with no one particular
ministry in mind. I've been exposed to
a number of different ideas lately from
different sources.

I share it with love for those who love
to teach truth and those who love
to receive it.

Sometimes I feel Jesus' consuming zeal
for God's house consuming me also.
It burns like fire in my bones.

Perhaps I am wrong to express
my concern for 'The Church' in this way.

Perhaps, I am not.

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus name.

On Christ the solid rock I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
All other ground is sinking sand.

(Edward Mote)

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