Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Lost

We pray for the lost.
We hold a special outdoor church service
to bring the gospel to our community.
We get the lost saved.
They come to our church.
They look bad and smell even worse.
We murmur polite words at a distance.

Some of us see the treasure within,
and in our minds we give them baths
and a haircut and shave.
In our minds we brush their teeth
and dress them up a bit.
We see what they could become
and we almost love them
because of their potential.

Some of us speak to them.
We think it is wonderful that we can talk
to them as if they are normal people.
We do this in front of other people.
We are proud of the wrong things.

And Jesus loves them now.
Jesus loves them smelly and dirty.
I have seen a few others who love them that way too.
Jesus says, "You prayed for them to come
and now they're here.
What will you do with them?
You must pass this test
before I send you more."

The fields are white
and ready for harvest.
To the poor,
the gospel is preached.

We want the harvest
to look nice and smell good
and have money.

God forgive us.
God forgive me.

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