Tues.-Wonderful day at school. Ruritan Club in the eve. Michael came along to thank them for the scholarship. A husband and wife sang and their adult daughter helped them. He played a steel pedal guitar that he had made himself. She was a hoot as Phil would say; a truly funny person. We asked them to come to the pig roast. She said to call her and remind her. She was using oxygen and said it was her best buddy after nearly dying a year ago.
Roof completely finished on Janelle's house.
Wed.-Yesterday, a little boy was crying because one of his best friends, a little girl, was mad at him. He felt completely misunderstood because she was angry at something that wasn't even true and she had not allowed him to explain. I used some of the things I learned at the Beth Moore Seminar and told him that no one should have that much power in his life; that Jesus loved him and that was his security; to be nice to her and give her some space; and that tomorrow, they would be friends again. He was almost sitting on my lap during this conversation and another of his buddies had their arm around him reassuringly. And you know what? He got it. He brightened up and was happy the rest of the class. When they asked where Miss Christen was and I told them and said we were going to pray for her, he asked, "Can I pray for her?" And he prayed a prayer I wish I could have engraved in stone. He thanked God for the beauty of the day even as he prayed for her health. He went on and on and ever word was significant. I thought of his struggles with learning and had a sudden revelation that God will use his struggles to call him to a work in which the fruit of compassion will be a much needed entity. I had to cover my face with my hands and hold back the sobs. Today, I saw him walking side by side with his restored friend. I asked him if things were better. He nodded with a gentle smile, and tossed these words over his shoulder, "I guess I showed her who's boss.
Makes me laugh again just writing it.
Ran into a friend at Walmart in the eve. and when she asked me how I was, I decided to tell her about a situation that troubled me and she vowed her prayers and wrote to me later in the eve. and my heart was lifted to a higher idea of how God could really work in this situation. I almost missed it by saying everything was fine but what a blessing I would have missed.
Adina asked me today to share with the young girls about my journey of faith regarding the death of my brother in law. I think this journey will be in a process for a long time. I have no easy answers and am only sure of one thing; God is with me.
Thurs/Fri.-Working around home. Got the fire ready to be lit down at the river. Lisa H., Judy, Crystal T., and Karen P. came for my river party. Quite a few others had wanted to come and something came up and it ended up being just the five of us. We had a wonderful time. Phil took them down to the river on a hayride. He attached the trailer to the 4 wheeler. They stopped at my little chapel and I showed them around. Judy was down alone at the river for an hour, watching and feeding the fire. We all want to do this again soon.
Oh-Ryan and Michael Petersheim and Bronson Fox came down to hunt turkey. They arrived early Fri. morning. I see glimpses of them here and there. Michael brought me hard PA pretzels and his eyes get all soft when he talks about the new 6 week old baby at his house. He showed me lots of videos and pictures. Little Mark looks like a Petersheim.
Sat.-Heart of Va. Festival. Susan with youth handing out invitations to church and D.G. coupons. I ran around with Sammy Jo and Judy and then with Carleen after they left. It was hot and breezy and we had fun. I love to come home to the quiet but there is always something in me that loves the crowd and I always think how much Jesus loved the masses. He saw them as sheep without a shepherd. I also love to see the amazing creativity amidst the artists-especially the musicians, the artists, jewelers, photographers, and potterers. God has so much creativity that He spills it out on millions of people. They think their idea is new but God gave it to them, and there are many more new ideas to be received from Him. I ran into an acquaintance from church whose baby was driving her bunkers because he wouldn't go to sleep and I asked if he'd come to me and he snuggled right in and went to sleep. And now I have a new love-Aden H. Lisa showed me the church offices in the Daily Grind building and I gained an appreciation for the wide scope of work that was needed to get them built as well as the work still needed to get the rooms ready at church. Came home and did some wash, cleaning, and blogging. Watched 'The Princess Diaries' with Susan. Freeman grilled ribs for all the guys.
Sun.-Church. Lunch with Freeman, Alli, Kelli S. and Susan. Watched 007 and went to Financial Peace Class in eve. Michael and Philip made lunch at the river with their guy friends. Bad storms in middle states. 20 inches in a short time at some places. Tornadoes and high winds. Failed terrorist bomb in Times Square. Giant oil spill in gulf. I think we are watching prophecy being fulfilled every time we turn on the news. Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me, Jesus said.