Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I've been thinking about that verse that ends with the words, "This calls for the patient endurance of the saints." I can't seem to find it but I am sure it is in the Bible somewhere.

Jesus persevered.

He endured the cross for the joy that was set before Him.
He didn't regard the shame that went with the cross.
He thought about what was ahead.
I believe that it was the thought of having us with Him in His Father's presence
that was the very joy that kept Him going.

Hebrews 11 gives quite a list of those who persevered in the midst of trials.
Some of those who persevered, received the things they hoped for.
Others died without receiving the promise,
but they persevered anyway.

I checked with my friend Webster, today.
He said that perseverance means to continue doing something in spite of difficulty or opposition;
refusing to give up; endure; remain constant; persist.

Everywhere I look, in every avenue of our lives,
the quality of persistence and perseverance
is being tested.

I looked up many verses on perseverance and steadfastness.
I will write them by themselves in my next blog.
Then we can print them out and read them and absorb them.
they will help us all persevere in the areas of our lives that are being tested.

So, my dear friends,
persevere during this rough patch in your marriage.
Read books about marriage.
Humble yourself.
Those marriages you admire
have been through tough times
and have come out the other side.
Do your part to live peaceably.
Do your part to build.
Be kind.

Persevere during this time of awkwardness
in your church life.
Trust in the Lord and do good;
Dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness.
Speak a word of encouragement to him who is weary
even though you yourself are tired.

Persevere during this time of lack.
Use what you have.
Be content with such things as you have,
for He has promised never to leave you or forsake you.

Jesus says, "To Him who overcomes, I will give..."
Don't give up swimming because it's too foggy to
see where you are.
The shore is only a few feet away.

Be steadfast.
Stand firm.
You're almost home.

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