Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Swan Song

My Father-in-law, Truman, talks about people's swan songs.
It is what people say before they die.
It may be a week or more before they die
or just moments before they die,
but their swan song carries the words
they want you to really remember.

One day, shortly before my father passed away,
he was resting on the sofa.
I was resting on the floor in front of a crackling fire.
He began to tell me about his life,
his childhood memories,
his business successes,
funny things that had happened.

I realized I was hearing his swan song.
I had a tablet nearby and a digital recorder nearby
but I didn't get up to get it.
I knew that other's needed to hear this too
but tears were streaming down my face
and I didn't want him to know that I
knew I was hearing his Swan Song.

So I just kept crying and cherishing this precious hour with my dad.

It is important to hear your loved one's Swan Song.

Jesus' Swan Song is recorded in John's book, Chapters 13-17.
If I could only have five pages of my Bible,
these are the pages I would choose.

Today I was reading Chapter 16 and I noticed that Jesus
was saying, "These things I have spoken to you,
that you should not be made to stumble."

I very much dislike stumbling
in myself or anyone else,
so I took a closer look at the surrounding verses.

What did He say so that we wouldn't be taken
by surprise and be offended in Him?
What were these important last words?

Jesus was warning His disciples about the
persecutions that would come because
of their connections with Him.

"The world hates me; it will hate you also.
If they persecuted me, they'll persecute you.
They may kick you out of the synagogue
and kill you,
and think they are doing Me a favor by doing so.
They will do these things because they
do not know the Father
nor do they know Me."

Along with the Promise of Persecution
He gave them a Promise of Peace.

"After I go to the Father,
I will send you another Helper,
The Comforter,
The Holy Spirit,
who will do in My absence
what I would do if I was still here.
He is the Spirit of Truth
who proceeds from the Father,
and He will tell you all about me.
He will guide you into all truth
and will speak what He hears from
the Father.
He will tell you of things to come.
He will glorify Me
and will take what is Mine
and give it to you.

I give you My peace.
Don't let your heart be troubled.
Neither let it be afraid.

I will not leave you orphans.
I will come to you.

Abide in Me and bear much fruit.
Ask what you desire and it shall be
done for you.

Abide in My love and love one another
as I have loved you.
So shall My joy remain in you
and your joy will be full."

From the Last Supper
to His journey to the Garden,
The Great Balancer of All Things
goes back and forth
between warnings
and comfortings.
"There will be hard times ahead.
But I will be with you.
In this world, you'll have tribulation,
but be of good cheer,
I have overcome the world."

It's the bad surprises of life
that can cause us to be disillusioned
with God and His people.

But because He doesn't want us
to become bitter or live in offense
He warned us
that these kind of things happen.

For some believers,
in other countries,
suffering is a way of life.
They don't have a lifetime
to get over offenses or betrayals.
Today might be the day they die.

Suffering is not an obstacle for them.
Therefore, they don't stumble over it.

We can recognize the suffering,
the persecutions,
as a fulfillment of what Jesus said would take place.

And we can dwell on His eternal promise
that He will not leave us orphans.
He will never leave us or forsake us.
He is with us through the Holy Spirit
and He's praying for us in Heaven.

The Final Verse of Jesus' Swan Song
is what we call 'The High Priestly Prayer.'

I wrote a song about it once.

Father, the time has come
Glorify your Son, that Your Son may glorify You.
Life everlasting I give to Your children
So they may know You and they may know Me.
I have finished My work.
I want to come Home.
Father, glorify Your Son.

I pray for these You have given to Me,
For they have believed and accepted Me,
And they have glorified Me.
Protect them, Father, by the power of Your name,
So they may be one even as You and I are one.
Sanctify them by truth.
Your Word is the truth.
Father, purify Your sons.

I pray for those who will someday believe
through the message of these men,
May they be brought to complete unity.
So that the world may believe You have sent Me,
And have loved them even as You have loved Me.
I want them by My side
To see all of My glory.
Father, give them unity.

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