Sunday, November 22, 2009


When I eat fruit and vegetables and beans and grains,
I crave more of the same healthy food.

When I eat salty, fried, and sweet food,
I crave more of the same unhealthy food.

Whatever I put in my body,
I crave more of what I've already put in.

When I read the Bible and other good books
I want to read the Bible and other good books even more.

When I read soulish things and watch soulish things
and hear soulish things
I crave even more soulish things.

Whatever I put into my soul,
I crave more of what I've already put in.

Flesh cries out to flesh.
Deep cries out to deep.
Shallow cries out to shallow.
Soul cries out to soul.
Spirit cries out to spirit.

What do we want our body and mind to crave?
What do we want our soul and spirit to desire?

Choose life and eat foods that give hope.
Choose life and nourish your soul.

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