Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Matthew 27:32-"Now as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name. Him they compelled to bear His cross."

There were different cultures represented around the cross. *My Bible notes say this about Simon-"Wise men of all ages would be honored to be allowed to perform the task that was conferred upon Simon of Cyrene, a black man from northwestern Africa. Whether it was voluntary or by force, in any case, black hands were extended to help the Savior bear His cross."

And this is so great. Read this.

"The Ethiopian eunuch from Africa (Acts 8:26) was the first Gentile convert mentioned by name in the Book of Acts. History reports that he returned to Ethiopia to found the Abyssinian Christian Church, which exists until this day." !!!!!

Christ's humiliation bought Christ's dignity for us.
He has exalted us and we continue to be honored when we carry His cross.

*The New Spirit-Filled Life Bible-NKJV

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