11 Corinthians 3:2,4
"You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men:..."
Paul didn't need a letter of commendation from anyone. All people had to do was to observe the lives of those he discipled. Their strength of character and their likeness to Christ was all the recommendation that Paul needed. And the epistle of those he served was written in his heart by the Spirit of the Living God and was known and read by all men.
The people under our care reflect
to the world who we are and who God is.
v.4-"And we have such trust through Christ toward God."
How much does Christ trust God? He trusted Him not to leave His soul in the grave. He trusted Him to never leave Him or forsake Him and then He trusted Him even when God turned His face from Him.
We have no sufficiency in ourselves, vs. 5,6 go on to say. We are not sufficient in ourselves to even trust Him.
We have trust toward God through Christ and Christ alone.
We enter into Christ's trust toward God
and then we trust God completely.
It's all about entering in to what Christ has in Himself.
We now have Christ's relationship with God.
I am thinking about these things.
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