Sunday, May 23, 2010


The Work of Man exhausts, demands, condemns, divides, oppresses, and rejects.

The Work of God refreshes, invites, convicts, unites, sets free, and embraces.

May the favor of God rest on the Work of God.
May the works of man blow away, like chaff in the wind.
Even so, Lord Jesus, come.


Anonymous said...

That was preached to me tonight, then I come home this evening and read this on your blog. Lord God continue to Fill Us for witnessing is exhausting, demanding, condemns, divides, oppresses and rejects. Dear Lord, FILL US WITH YOUR HOLY SPIRIT that refreshes, invites, convicts, unites, sets free and embraces! PRAISE GOD!

Annie said...

I am unclear as to what you are saying in your second sentence. Would you clarify that for me, Joanne. Let's keep praying that the Work of God would be in our midst. I love your comments, by the way.

Anonymous said...

It can be draining when we witness/servanthood the love of Christ to others (Work of Man). Yet God continue's to fill us (Work of God)which is so refreshing, invites us back for more, sets us free to love and embrace. I don't know if that helped you to understand, however we both can agree on the "Even so, Lord Jesus, come!"