Thursday, February 25, 2010

Carrying Seed to Sow

I read a verse the other day
from Psalm 126:6.
"He who goes out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with him."

Then I read a newsy letter from my sister.
She told me what she was doing.
She teaches Bible Classes after
school hours for public school children.
She is helping people at church
with their deaf child
and is teaching sign language to
a group of interested people.
She's having a hymn sing in her home
once a month.
And I know she takes good care of my mother.

Last May,
her 23 year old son was killed
in a freak vehicular accident.
She is grieving.

When I read the verse,
I thought of her.
She is going out weeping,
but she IS going out,
not hiding in a cave.

She is carrying seed to sow,
doing the good works that God
prepared in advance for her to do,
sorrow or no sorrow,
and she is sowing those seeds.

And she will return with songs of joy,
carrying her sheaves with her.
What a harvest she will bring in!

In this world of trouble,
if we'd wait until our sorrows
were over, before we sow the seeds
of good deeds,
we would never sow.

I think our tears
are also seeds.

We sow tears
and reap joy.


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