Monday, January 24, 2011

Faith Homonyms

This is a little something I woke up thinking about the other day-using homonyms-(words that have the same pronunciation as another word but have a different meaning and usually spelling)-to express some statements of faith.

God is here and He hears me when I pray.

When I bare my soul to Him, He bears the burdens of my soul.

When I lay my life down at the altar, He alters my life.

When the enemy cites my sins before God,
Jesus brings the sight of Calvary before them both.

My soul thirsts after my dear Father
even as a deer thirsts for the rippling brook.

He'll heal my broken heart.

He is holy and I am wholly His.

I sing a hymn to Him.

It is easier to worship idols when we are idle.

When the vale is darkest, He removes the veil from His face
and I see light.

He increases the might of my smallest mite.

Sing a new song to the One who knew it long ago.

No man knows the hour.

As I wait on Him, He carries the weight of my worries.

Oh, He paid a debt He did not owe.

Can you watch and pray with our Lord for one hour?

Like the sun, the Son shines.

There shall be rain from Heaven and He shall reign over the earth.

He casts my sin into the sea and sees them no more.

My spirit soared when the Sword of the Spirit set me free.

I surrendered my pride and He pried it away.
What sentences can you make with piece and peace; prays, praise, and preys;
passed and past; raise, rays and raze? Loan and lone, missed and mist, plain and plane, real and reel? Help me out! My brain is tired!
Lindsay added, "What about 'When I feel like one piece in a million, I find His peace when I remember He knows My name.'"

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

What about "When I feel like one piece in a million, I find His peace when I remember He knows my name."