Saturday, July 26, 2008

Fire and Fireflies

Last evening, Troy, Carleen, Eric, Chase, and Amber came over for a night at the river. Susan and Amber went swimming and collected small clams which they later boiled and dipped in butter. Delicious, they said. We had a fire and roasted hot dogs and marshmellows. We ate macaroni salad, carrots and chips with dip, watermelon, homemade baked beans and cole slaw. The boys went up to play Halo and were joined by their friend, Zach. They played until almost midnight. I brought the girls up on the gator to change and eat clams. That left Troy, Carleen, Phil and I and the two dogs, Angel and Sampson down by the river side. The stars were outdoing themselves as were the crickets, bats, and fireflies. It was such a relaxing and friendly time. At one point, Troy assured us that it was Sampson snoring and not himself. We came up soon after 11:00, reluctant to leave each other and the friendships that are made best in the dark, around a fire.

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