Thursday, July 31, 2008

Worship and other gems from Mother's journal

Is asking a part of worship? It seems so. Matt 15: 25-"Then she, the Caananite woman, came and worshiped Him, saying,'Lord, Help me!' " I never thought of that (asking for help) as worship, but it shows that He is great, powerful, and loving and that we are very needy. And even just the crumbs of that mercy and goodness are enough! v.28b-And her daughter was healed from that very hour.

Me-I remember one Communion where I only got part of a tiny cracker and it came to me that just a crumb healed this ladies daughter. And healing was the children's bread, Jesus said. Surely there was more at the table than bread. O God, help me eat and drink all that you have for me.

This is quite a statement-Psa. 68:18b & Eph. 4:8- You have led captivity captive-Not just the aptness of the phrase but also in the profoundness of the thought. He takes and controls whatever is controlling us. Familiarity has deadened its message!

Quotes-"Life is not so much learning new things but in re-learning old."

"Few run well to the end."

Giving out of our abundance does not impress Jesus at all. Mark 12:43,44-"---this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury---she out of her poverty put in all that she had." C.S.Lewis said he feels we will be judged according to what we have kept, not by what we give. And he lived it.

Psa. 42:5b- "Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance." These verses have given me hope many times. But I never noticed the difference in the last line before. v11b-"For I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God." The help of His countenance has spread to our countenance because the depression has left? Hope in God will do that assuredly!

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