Monday, November 24, 2008

Man's Freewill~God's Redemption

I am thinking about these things.

Where sin abounds, grace does much more abound. (The Bible)

God permitted man to have a free will.
And because man's will is evil,
God permits evil.

God is a Redeemer. That's who He is and what He does.
Man's will does not affect God's will when it comes to Redemption.
Therefore, God gets to do what He wants to redeem
the evil He has permitted.

The worse the sin, the greater the Redemption.
The more heinous the crime, the louder sings Redemption's Song.

What are ashes compared to beauty?
What is captivity compared to liberty?
What is mourning compared to Joy?
What is a cloak of sadness compared to a garment of praise?
What is blindness compared to sight?
What is the howl of evil compared to God's triumphant battle cry?

And it is in this that I wrestle with God:
Why is evil permitted sometimes
and why is protection from evil given at other times?
Why does He intervene in one situation and not in another?
I do not wrestle with Him at arms length,
nor do I turn my back on Him.
I wrestle with God where I can feel Him breathing.
I wrestle with my face pressed tightly to His chest.
I ask "Why, Why, Why?" to the rythym of my pounding fists.
I ask "Why, Why, Why?" to the rythym of His heartbeat.

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