Monday, November 3, 2008

Treasured in Heaven

About 20 years ago, I designed a t-shirt that had pictures and words on the front and back. The front said, "Trashed on Earth..." and the back said, "Treasured in Heaven." Jesus was holding little babies in His arms on the back of the T-shirt. I wrote a song that had some of these words in it~"Mama, are you listening...I'm the babe inside of you..You've been thinking I'm more trouble than I'm worth. It's not my fault that I'm your child...I didn't choose to make you sad..But, now, I'm here and my life is in your hands. Before you take away my right to make the choices in my life..I have some things I want to listen close and hear my plea...I want to sing. I want to shout. I want to know what life's about...So mama, please don't get rid of me...I want to live..I want to give..the world a gift of mama, please don't get rid of me...And if you can't find a way, to love me in your heart...than give my life to someone who will..There are many folks out there who long to hold a baby and I could be the answer to their prayers...I want to live..I want to give..the world a gift of mama, please don't get rid of me."

There are more words, but that's enough for now. I have friends who have had abortions and everyone of them has grieved the choice they made. I just want them to know, that their baby is safe in Heaven with Jesus, and He'll reunite them someday, if they believe in Him.

God talked about war and Jesus talked about war, but when it came to sacrificing children in the O.T., God said that it had never entered His mind to consider such a thing. The god of Molech required human sacrifice of children. It was not God's idea.

On the basis of Mathematics alone, more babies die from abortion than people have died from the wars. We went to Gettysburg one summer and we could feel the heaviness in the air. It was beyond sad. The civil war destroyed our country from within. We were our own terrorists. Brother against brother fought and shed their blood for what they deemed as truth. We are having another civil war. Mother against baby. Father against baby. A man's foes shall be those of his own household, Jesus said, on the days before His return. The love of many will grow cold.

If God is for us, who can be against us?
But, if God is against us, because we, through our vote, help sign laws to make abortion easier, then who can be for us? What hope do we have?

The breath of God resides in every human being.
Innocents are killed in war, it is true.
And God grieves over this, I am sure.
But to deliberately choose to take a life, this is indeed murder. And we will pay for this. We will pay.

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