Thursday, August 27, 2009

Gems from My Mother's Journals

Everything written is from my mother's '94-'95 red journal-

11 Tim. 3:15-Paul encourages Timothy in the fact that from childhood he knew the Scriptures which would have been the Old Testament only, but even this was "ABLE TO GIVE HIM THE WISDOM THAT LEADS TO SALVATION THROUGH FAITH WHICH IS IN CHRIST JESUS."
As I thought more about this, I realized that the Pharisees also knew the same Scriptures but even from the time of Jesus' birth, they used the Scriptures to try to prove that Jesus was not the Christ. Jesus said that the Scriptures (O.T.) testified of Him. I want to keep this more in mind as I read the Old Testament.

11 Tim. 4- Dear Paul, knowing that his death is imminent is winding up his affairs. He gives final instructions to Timothy. He seems to be all alone now except for Luke and he appeals to Timothy, v.9,"MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO COME TO ME SOON." He seems to have completely forgotten Mark's former failure, for he writes, v.11, "PICK UP MARK AND BRING HIM WITH YOU, FOR HE IS USEFUL TO ME FOR SERVICE." Mark also was of an humble, forgiving spirit. Remember in Acts 15:38, "PAUL KEPT INSISTING THAT THEY SHOULD NOT TAKE MARK ALONG WHO HAD DESERTED THEM AT PAMPHYLIA AND HAD NOT GONE WITH THEM TO THE WORK." Paul seemed to know how to redeem those who failed and make useful saints of them. Is there anyone with that gift or even that desire today?!

1 Pet. 3:1-6-Peter is giving advice to women on their conduct-not merely being adorned on the outside, (according to American Standard Version, outward adorning is assumed), but also the inward adorning ,v.4, OF A GENTLE AND QUIET SPIRIT. Not being adorned on the outside certainly does not guarantee this!

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