This month's theme: God is...Bigger Than Our Location
Happy 25th birthday, Lisa.
Favorite worship song today? 'Come Thou Fount'-Old and New Addition.
This was my grandfather's favorite song. I'd play it on the piano and sing it for him. We sang it at his funeral. The anniversary of his death is Aug. 10th.
I look forward to going to church every Sunday. The past three Sunday's we have experienced the power of God during the worship in an extra special way. This week, it seems that it was on God's heart to be present to heal people. Sometimes, He comes as a Comforter or Savior. This Sunday, He came as Healer. He is always with us. But sometimes, we can sense His presence stronger than other times.
PF told us how he met someone who felt like there are hypocrites at our church. (There are hypocrites in every church, but if a hypocrite is standing between you and God, than he's closer to God than you are. ( I borrowed that one.) Also, if you stop coming to our church because of the hypocrites, will you also be a hypocrite to those who are watching your life? Just a thought. We will all have to answer to God for our beliefs and actions. I'll write more about this in my next blog. It's Pastor Frank's turn now.)
Anyway...He shared with the man that we will see hypocrites all around us at church if we come to church and think it is about us. The reason it is called a church 'service' is because we have come to serve.
"We need our own Azusa Street. We need the Holy Spirit to be poured out on Main Street Farmille. When the Holy Spirit comes, He will take what is Christ's and reveal it to us."
Do you love His appearing? Do you love when Jesus shows up?
Acts 1:8 says that when the Holy Spirit comes, we will be witnesses unto Him...not for Him.
Our service was unusual today. PF didn't get to really preach his sermon. There were testimonies of healing and prayer and anointing with oil for healing. Some are desperate for a miracle here on earth. Rebecca brought up her grandson for prayer. He's a sick little baby and needs a touch from God, but when I held him later and he smiled at me, I thought he was perfect just the way he was. It was a wonderful morning. People were more aware of Jesus' presence than they were of their own. The love of God was shed abroad in our hearts for each other. We shared communion as well.
Even so, Lord Jesus, come into our midst. Come to Farmville. Come to Virginia. Come to the United States. Come to the world. We hear you knocking. We know your voice. Come in and dine with us. We love you.
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