Friday, January 16, 2009

Book Report~Ten Fingers For God

by Dorothy Clarke Wilson
"The Life and Work of Dr. Paul Brand"

What a great story!
Dr Brand worked with thousands of leprosy victims on five continents. He developed restorative surgeries to help recover limbs lost to this terrible disease. He invented shoes and other devices to help those afflicted. One of my favorite statements in the book was the very last sentence. I will write the paragraph before it so you can feel its effect.

He and his team had just performed a surgery.

"His gloves were off now. In a gesture expressive of his frustration (due to all those in the world still needing his help) he lifted his hand, its creases lined with little flecks of talcum powder, and impatiently flexed its fingers. Then he looked at them intently. Which one of them had performed that operation? The index finger, perhaps, or the thumb? He laughed aloud. Of course not. They were just instruments, tools of his mind. He could ask only one thing of them, that they be responsive, sensitive, obedient to his will. Just as God asked of him..."

"That's what I am," he thought with sudden clarity, "just a finger. Or perhaps a thumb."

Frustration? Hardly! What more could any man ask of life than the knowledge that he was a finger or thumb among other fingers, and that the hand was the hand of God? "

I love that. We are all part of the hand of God, touching others and bringing hope.
This book is far more valuable than the $.99 tag on the front.
Again, it is yours to borrow, especially if you love reading a story about medical science combined with a heart for God.

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