Book Finished-1/10/19~'Revelation' by John the Beloved
I've always wondered about the word 'cowardly' in the following verse:
"...But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." Rev. 21:8
Perhaps it means that if we are cowardly, we will run away from the testing that is to come. Perhaps we will turn from our faith rather than suffer for it, or run from fighting temptation during the conflict in our souls, and do the easiest thing, rather than the right thing, because it takes less strength to do so.
An interesting note in my Bible says that the word 'sorcerers' in the Greek, refers to those dealing in drugs.
On a happier note, those who overcome will receive the following:
The tree of life
The crown of life
Hidden manna and a stone with a new name
Rule over nations and receive morning star
Be honored and clothed in white
A place in God's presence, a new name, and the New Jerusalem
Share Christ's throne
To overcome, we are exhorted to:
Do the works we did at first
Be faithful until death
Keep the faith
Strengthen that which remains
Be zealous
"It's gonna be worth it...It's gonna be worth it."
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