Michael, my seventeen year old red-headed son, has six calves, also known as 'Hummies' or 'Boys.'
I want to introduce them to you because they are special.
These calves are Latin calves. Michael named them.
First, there is Leonidous, named after the Spartan King Leonidous. He's the biggest.
And there's Maximus, which means 'the greatest'. He's a little black Angus calf.
Next, there's Aurelius. He is almost all white and he always escapes from his pen. His name means 'gold.'
And there is Marcus. He's the cranky one. We don't know what his name means. He's just your average looking black and white Holstein.
Then there is Odysseus, the son of Jasmine, an older cow Michael raised. Odysseus is named after the hero in Homer's Odyssey.
Finally, there's Pugly. When he was born, he was ugly. He had bulging eyes that made him look kind of scary. Pugly is not a Latin calf.
Since they were around three days old, Michael has been taking care of them morning and evening. They are now over two months old and he is beginning to wean them from milk. They are the cutest little things with lots of personality.
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