I remember pulling into Rosedale Bible Institute in the late 70's and thinking I heard God say,"You will meet your husband here." It didn't happen and I figured I heard wrong.
Yesterday, after receiving one of RBI's newsletters, I got to thinking. I told Michael this story.
"One time, at Bible School, I was watching a basketball game, and a cheerful young man came up to me and showed me the cover of a newspaper. It featured a story of a man who was running a bar and after he became a Christian, he turned the bar into a hotel. The young cheerful man was interested in the daughter of the man in the story. Then, he said to me,"I have a brother who is running from the Lord and is living on the wild side of life. Would you pray with me for him?"
I did.
And now that cheerful young man and I are related. I married that man we prayed for.
I guess I DID meet my husband at RBI, during a basketball game, in a time of prayer."
"Michael," I said with a smile. "God is tricky."
Postnote~My cheerful brother-in-law married the girl of his dreams. She was the daughter of the bar/hotel man, who is now pastoring a church. He (her father) is in Israel with his wife, as I write this, and I hope to see him in a weekend or two.
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