Friday, October 31, 2008

God's scales

I had written earlier in my blog that the only hope for our country is God's redemption of mankind. It's been bothering me. God has already redeemed mankind. I think that the only hope for our country is for the redeemed to live as The Redeemed. What does He say? If MY People...not, the Heathen, not The President, but, My People...If they would humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from THEIR wicked ways, then I would hear from Heaven and forgive MY people of their sins and heal their land....

How many people is He talking about? What will tip His scales in favor of hearing us from Heaven? How many have to turn from their wicked ways? I don't know. But so often, in the Scriptures, we find that He looked for a person, to intervene on behalf of a people. What if He wants a million to repent? What if His count is at 999,999? What if He's waiting on you? On me? Or what if it would only take one person to seek His face? What if He's waiting on one of us? Regardless, we cannot point a finger beyond the face we see in the mirror. It takes time to seek His face. It is uncomfortable to humble ourselves. Who wants to consider one's own wicked ways? Could we possibly be that important? If we are not, who is?

Humble ourselves
Seek His Face
Turn from our wicked ways
He will hear from heaven
Forgive our sins
And heal our land~~

This is our only hope.
This is something we must do.
Will you? Will I?

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