Monday, October 13, 2008

Mother's Journal Gems

Ezekial 33:31~"..they sit before you as My people and they hear your words, but they do not do them, for with their mouth they show much love, but with their hearts pursue their own gain." A scary description of contemporary Christendom~ even us. To hear and beware~

Dear Job,
I almost cry for you every time I read your story. I see again what a miserable, robbing creature Satan is. You are very sick, your wife even suggests that you deliberately die, you don't even have your children to care for and comfort you. What a loss that would be! And these friends. They were a wonderful support in the beginning. They sincerely grieved for your condition. Job 2:11,12~Then they sat down with him on the ground for seven days and seven nights, no one speaking a word to him~~v.13. In the aloneness of no family, this would have been very comforting and sustaining. How many of us would be willing to do this for 7 days!

Psalms 87:7~~"All my fountains are in you." Just to picture the beauty and dance of a fountain~the result of the Lord Jesus in my life is exhilarating. A well of water springing up~as Jesus said.

Jesus could have been so offended at the disciples protest about His being anointed with the perfume~calling it a waste~Matt.26:8. Instead, He defends the woman. "Why do you embarrass the woman? She has done something lovely to Me." v.10 Judas especially would have been upset about it not being sold at a good price. v.9 And right after this he offers to hand Jesus over to the chief priests for 30 pieces of silver. v.15

Psa.32:10b~~He who trusts in the Lord shall be encircled with lovingkindness. What a nice situation to be in! What an incentive to trust!

Mark 2:27~ The Sabbath came for man's sake. And to me, it really is a gift. Without guilt I can read, sleep etc. As with all God's prohibitions, it is for man's good and blessing. Yet man sees them all as something God is denying them. Satan's strategy already in the Garden of Eden. 'He won't let you have this because...etc.' When will we ever 'get on to him?'

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