Our pastor gave is a warning from 11 Tim. 3. We are living in perilous times. His three main points that portray the symptoms of the last days were the following; we will see misplaced love, deformed faith, and a rejection of the truth. His words stirred up my heart to be more deliberate in staying close to God and His Word. I left there, wanting to be pro-active instead of bunkering down and hiding until "it's" over. There are too many people who wil get lost in the shuffle if we bunker down and take care of only ourselves. We who are strong are to bear the burdens of the weak. I love that there are those stronger than I who are helping to bear my burdens and there are those weaker than I whose burdens I am helping to bear. This is the way the body works. We are not our own.
I am concerned for those who just don't make it to church on a regular basis for one reason or another. They were once active, and now, where have they gone? Perhaps they want the shepherd and sheep dogs to go out and find them and bring them back in. Perhaps they have legitimate offenses affecting their desire to fellowship. But, I want to say to them, " It's crazy busy here in the sheep fold. The shepherds have their hands full with the harvest as it is coming through our doors. If they have to run after you, they have to leave other sheep that need them. Could you come back to the fold and be part of the answer instead of the need? Can you see that it is time to grow up and take your turn at feeding others? It is time to feed yourself and be so full that you feed the shepherd even as he feeds you. It is time to eat your own bread so that just the crumbs that fall from your lips give life to those around you. You might not even know that this is happening.
Besides, it is alot safer in here with the people who have offended you than it is out there where you think you are safe from the reminder of them. You may not be like me, but, even though I've been in church all my life, if I start missing church, I find it easier to miss church. And it doesn't take long for me to be well on my way to wandering. I can't make it without the body of Christ, strengthening, encouraging, and correcting me.
As far as offense goes, haven't we all offended others? I know I have.
Please come back.
We love you.
We need you.
We're sorry.
I promise that you will be hurt and disillusioned once again. I promise that others will also need to forgive you. And I promise, that this imperfect, wrinkled bride, will someday be perfect and spotless and will see Her Kingly Husband coming in the clouds.
Not for any reason should you miss this Painful Process of Perfection and Purity.
Not for any reason should you miss the ecstacy of His coming in our midst with His Precious Powerful Presence and Peace.
Come be part of the agony.
Come be part of the dance.
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