Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Missi's Strength Team

Our church recently hosted The Strength Team. These muscular guys share the gospel while breaking concrete, tearing telephone books and rolling up frying pans. My friend, Missi, couldn't find her forks the other day. She discovered that her two youngest sons had taken them outside and played "Strength Team." All of her forks were bent. Now she has no forks.

Who said, "Imitation is the highest form of flattery?"

While I'm talking about Missi~ The other day, I had this flashback of a memory. I was substituting at the local Christian school and was supposed to teach Algebra to a class of 8th graders. I loved Algebra once upon a time, but this time around , my mind went completely blank when I got up to teach it. I was honest with the class and told them that I forgot how to do it. I asked if their was anyone there who could teach the lesson to the class. Immediately, a young, bold, girl volunteered. She did very well and the students showed me respect even though I didn't have a clue about teaching Algebra. When I thought about this scenario, I got to thinking about that girl and wondered if it was Missi. When she called from Red Lake today, I asked her about it. She said that it was her. "I loved Algebra," she said. "And all of us kids loved you." It's a small world afterall.

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