Back by popular demand. Well, one person thought it was fine, and I do like the story.
She leaned in closer. "Don't SH** on yourself. It only creates alot of Doo-Doo,"she said, innocently enough.
"Oh, " I said, trying to hide the shock I felt from her using THAT word. " Do that."
"Exactly," she smiled.
A Year later, I was reminiscing with her about how she had said 'SH**' to me and how shocked I had been. " I didn't say, 'SH**. I said SHOULD," she said, innocently enough. "Don't Should on yourself. It only creates alot of Do-Do."
"Oh," I said, chagrined that I had misunderstood her. " I thought you said 'SH**'."
"Exactly," she smiled.
Think about it. How many times a day do we think,"I should be doing....?" Instead of enjoying and embracing the moment we are in, we wade through the 'Do-do list' in our minds." Do any of these sound familiar? "I should have finished college. " " I should be having my Quiet Time." " I should be excercizing." "I should not be reading right now." " I should be cleaning my house." "I should call so and so." What if we enjoyed the moment we were in? What if we did the minimal amount on our list and let some things go, especially the regrets of things undone that really can't be changed anyway. The next time you are doing something you enjoy, quiet the Shouldy voice in your head, and just soak in that time you are having with whoever you are with and Do-less Doo-Dooing. You'll be glad you did.
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