My friend, Judy Blue-eyes, sent me this letter on Friday. I asked her if I could print it in my blog. You've been reading about Judy and Sammy Jo. Sammy Jo is about 2 months old now and Judy Blue~Eyes is her loving grandmama.
Hi Baby doll,
A few months ago, before I knew Sammy Jo had been conceived, I had a constant prayer going up to God. This prayer was asking Him to bring an infant into my life to love and hold. My arms had been aching to hold a baby again. My youngest grandchild is seven years old, and too big to hold. I missed the smell of baby skin, kissing their little feet, and rocking a baby to sleep, while singing over them, as my grandmother did me.
Even though Sammy Jo has been born out of wedlock, and to such young parents, I know God has a purpose and plan for her life. She has already melted my heart, and caused me to slow down and enjoy life. I treasure every moment with her. I sing praises and old hymns to her while rocking her to sleep. I pray blessings over her, while rocking, and ask God to use her in a special way for His kingdom. I treasure every flutter of her little eyelids, every little grin and frown.
I thank God so so much for blessing me with this precious gift of love!
Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts. I love you so much, and love to share what's on my heart to you. I pray for Phil's safety each day, and that God brings him home to his loving, beautiful(inside and out) wife.
Love, Judy-Blue Eyes
...Great is Thy Faithfulness O Lord~~~
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