Friday, September 26, 2008

Phil's Kenya Devotional~#7

Written Sept.14~

Good Morning,
Sunday morning and we will be in the house of the Lord today.
In between the scriptures we looked at in Exodus is the directive from the Lord;
that of keeping the Sabbath.
The first we hear about the Sabbath is when God sent the manna, and the people were told not to even go out and look for it, but to take a day off and rest. El-Shaddai was angry when they didn't believe Him and went out and looked for manna in spite of specific instructions. He was their provider, and could do so much more with their obedience than with their human efforts.
Let's look at the list of benefits in Exodus 31:12-17 of keeping the Sabbath~being obedient of God's desires for us.
First, it is a "Sign for all time that God sanctifies" us, personally and corporately(v13). Next, v14,"It is holy to us", and for the children of Israel; anybody who profaned the Sabbath would be put to death. Anybody caught working on the Sabbath would be cut off from the congregation. This is repeated, re-emphasized in v 15," Whoever does work on the Sabbath shall surely be put to death."
God's plan for His people, His permanent covenant throughout the generations, included the Sabbath as a provision for "rest and refreshment"(v17). similar to His satisfaction after the creation of the heavens and the earth.
We know that Jesus came to fulfill the law, and He is Lord of the Sabbath. What does it mean for us today to keep the sabbath? Do you have a personal understanding with your Father in regard to this? I am thankful His plan for me includes rest and refreshment, not just work, work, work like I would be prone to do. God's best doesn't mean work until you are exhausted, then rest because you have collapsed. That's not rest and refreshment. That's not a plan for a long, happy life.
Tap into God's best for you. Ask Him to show you what it means to enter into His Sabbath rest. Ask Him to reveal His will for your life regarding rest and refreshment.
Personally, I believe this mission trip is part of a Sabbath experience for us; not to try to do things on our strength, but seek to obey His voice, and don't run out to gather stuff when we already have enough for the day. Don't be stressed about tomorrow, rest in God's eternal promise that He will meet all our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Haven't heard anything from Phil yesterday or today. My niece, Michelle, saw his truck parked at the church and told her mom,"That makes me miss Uncle Phil." We can be sure that they could reach us if there was any kind of emergency. Wild, windy, and rainy here yesterday and today. Financial crisis in the nation affecting the whole world's money market. And God has promised us enough manna for today. He has promised a Sabbath rest. We are in this world, but not of the world's kingdom. Let not our hearts be troubled. Let not our hearts be afraid, O God.~

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