Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mother's Journal

Look what I found in my mother's journal written in 1999~

Sept.27~She writes," All the things that I would like to do and may never get done, such as send some of these 'writings' for use in some publications, may be done by one of the girls. And maybe God will say,"You did well that it was in your heart." 1 Kings 8:18. Solomon fulfilled David's dream.
Maybe my blogging of some of my mother's journal is a small part of fulfilling her dream. It makes my heart glad to think it is true.


God brings terrible punishment on Moah for her idolatry and many sins. Jer.48:1-47~Yet while He does it His heart wails like flutes for Moab v 38a~and I think, dear God, why waste Your heart grieving for them? And I think of L~ F~, that awful man that lashes out against Christians and said on TV last night, " I got over being a Christian." I felt like should pray forhim but it seemed so useless. But my dear Father's heart is assuredly wailing over him like a flute, also. ~


Although God loves even while He punishes, we must remember He expects obedience and we cannot presume on that love. In 1 Kings 13~
the poor prophet who disobeyed God's command and believed the lie of the old prophet was killed by a lion. Any word that is given that is contrary to God's Word should not be believed regardless of the age or title of the one who givs it. Then in 1 Chron. 13:9-10 Uzza died beause he touched the ark of God~something that God commanded never to be done. Disobedience again, even though he was trying to do a good thing~to keep the ark from falling. This is also sobering. Both men were seemingly godly and trying to serve God. But they had lost their fear of Him and had become lax in their way of living and obeying.

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