Thursday, September 11, 2008

Freeman's Archives-Take Six

Freeman was praying for people he loved..." and Grandma Diffenbach and Abe."
Me-"Grandaddy Diffenbach?"
F-"Yes, but his real name is Abe Diffenbach and that's what I'm going to call him."

5 years old- I was putting onion salt on a sandwich and Freeman said,"Mommy, that will sting the musums right out of you."
Me-"What's musums?"
Free-"Your brain thinkers~the parts of your brain that thinks. That vacuum cleaner scares the musums right out of me."

Freeman-"Cows with white heads and brown bodies give acidophilus milk. Black cows and no white and no brown give regular mulk."

Me-"I'm sorry, Freeman. I'm just a grouchy old mom."
Free-"You're not a grouchy old mom. You're a tired mom."

We were watching a TV show about naked natives and Freeman said,"It's Bad to be naked."
Me-"Is it?"
Free-"Yes! You could get poison ivy all over your feet."

Freeman-"I'm as hot as 35 wood stoves piled on top of each other. I'm as hot as a bird. Birds are hot, you know."

Freeman, with a bellyache, curled up on the floor, says,"I hope I'm not pregnant."

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