Thursday, September 18, 2008


My mother was very close to her daughter-in-law, Naomi. (See previous writing about Sept. 19) She began to write in her journal about 3 weeks after Naomi died. She gave me permission to share her words. I will copy only her first day's entry.

"Days of wrenching pain~of feeling as if cauterized with a soldering iron~to see my son have his very joy torn from him~to see him face the loneliness without her dear presence. It can't be true! It's a dream. It has to be! Is life only a big sob?! How can any good come out of this~for us who loved her so much. Naomi, Naomi, I ache for your dear presence. To think of never being able to talk to you again. To see that expression of love on your face never again. Dear God, it is asking too much. And how much more must A~~'s ache be! O Father, reveal Yourself in some special way to him. How could You allow this to happen! Treat him tenderly."

There are many more difficult journal entries and I sob as I read them. My mother's grief was terrible and it was a double grief. She missed her close friend and she was in torment for her son. She wrote the following poem about Naomi.


Not bone of my bone,

Nor flesh of my flesh,

But soul of my soul,

And spirit of my spirit,


We miss you, Naomi.

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