Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Corporate Worship

The key to life-giving corporate worship is private worship. Worshiping God in spirit and truth has alot to do with how I love God when no one sees. Just like being in the Word throughout the week prepares me to hear and receive Sunday's sermon, so being in worship in my home, prepares me to worship God with other believers on the Sabbath. "In spirit and truth" has little to do with emotion and alot to do with setting our love on God and putting all else aside to think about Him and to seek His face. This will look differently for different people. We can have the appearance of worship and be thinking about lunch. Where is truth in that? And we can be very still and not look like we are worshiping but our spirits could be soaring with His in high praise.

For the Father seeketh such to worship Him. O Lord, be worshiped in our midst. Come inhabit the praises of Your people. Forgive us for the times we have pretended to worship You. Help us worship you. Work in us that which pleases You. Amen.

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